
Showing posts from September, 2017

Family Theories

This week we are going to focus on different theories, in regards to the family. "Social scientists use theories not only to explain but also to guide research. Consequently, theory is an important part of the study of intimate relationships. There is, however, no single theory that encompasses the field of marriage and the family." The four theories we will discuss are conflict theory, symbolic interaction theory, exchange theory, and systems theory. 1) Conflict theory: individuals are always competing for more attention and or influence.              Power = influence. 2) Symbolic interaction theory: non-verbal or verbal behavior that MEANS something to others. 3) Exchange theory: getting out as much as you put in. 4) Systems theory: roles of individuals in their own subsystems. Each of the theories can relate to the family. I am going to just focus on the conflict and symbolic theories. First, conflict theory. This one is probably the most obvious because siblings a

The Importance of the Family

The topic of family has become a very interesting topic in todays’ world. This past week I have learned a couple things concerning this topic, and I thought I would share. It seems to me that the family is under attack, and we have proof of this through today’s trends. A list of 10 trends that are “trendy” today (in no specific order)… 1.      Pre-marital Sex 2.      Births by unmarried women 3.      Living alone 4.      Cohabitation 5.      Delaying marriage 6.      Fewer extended families are living together 7.      Fewer children to couples 8.      Household size is decreasing 9.      Divorce is high 10.   Employed mother to children who are younger than six So why would this list, affect families? Pre-marital sex can lead to an unwanted pregnancy, which can lead to a broken family. Cohabitation does not give individuals the opportunity to always want to be together. Research shows how cohabitation couples and or families is not the best way to live toge


Hey everyone! My name is Casslyn Fisher. I am from Idaho Falls, Idaho. And family is everything to me!!! I am the oldest of five children, my brother is currently serving his LDS mission in Argentina. I served my mission in Malaga Spain! Spain is a very special place to me for many reasons. One of them being is I met my husband there! He is from Pocatello Idaho. It is pretty funny that two Idahoans had to go to Spain to meet each other! We got married on November 22, 2016! He is the love of my life. I love doing things outdoors. Four-wheeling, camping, sledding, hiking, etc. If it's in the mountains- count me in! And I also love chocolate... like a lot. Anyways that's enough about me. Thanks for stopping by, you're more than welcome to stick around for my upcoming posts.