
Showing posts from October, 2017

What Marriage Really Is...

When explained to me what marriage was, I was always told it was something magical. It was like rainbows and butterflies all the time. But then I got married, thinking it was my fairytale. And don't get me wrong, it is a fairytale. But... the fairytale has it's hard times. When you find your "one and only" you want to do everything you can for this person. You want to spend your whole life with them. You want to grow old together. But then you get married and life gets a little harder. You start to see differences in each other. There are more little arguments that pop up everyday. But why? Why are there hard times when marriage is supposed to be a wonderful dream? I personally feel that marriage a commitment. You and your spouse commit and love each other for eternity. You promise each other that you will work through the hard times and the good times. You will be side by side, always working together with one goal in mind. And think about it, you probably have ne

Dating 101

What is dating nowadays?! Do we see individuals going on dates on a regular basis? What has become the "norm" of dating? I would define dating more as hanging out than anything. We tend to see teens and young adults who just like to hang out with each other all the time. There will often be groups of boys and girls that are with each other and they do fun date like things but the hang out sesh isn't classified as a date. Or we tend to see couples who just like to sit around and watch a movie or something and not plan their evenings together. A hang out is more relaxed and it is a time to get together and then worry about what you are going to do. I feel like the youth of today do like to be social. They like to get together with each other and have a good time, but for some reason we feel a some sort of pressure to plan and come up with dates. I also think we tend to be a little fearful in the idea of being rejected. It is no fun being rejected after building up so much

A Different Look On Homosexuality

Ok this week we have a pretty hot topic to discuss. But through my research I was able to find an alternate understanding on the topic of homosexuality, I hope you can too. I want to focus a lot on this video  "Understanding Same Sex Attraction." This video looks at homosexuality in a different light. I learned so many new things from watching it. But just a quick run through of what the video is about. PS the video is all about males. The video starts out talking about how there is no evidence that states there are biological evidence in early same-sex attraction. But there are many contributing factors that play a role in changing the sexual identity of individuals. Some of those factors are (these are backed up with research) bullying from the same gender, disconnections from the father, inappropriate touch, etc. A couple men are interviewed, and they explain different situations that have happened to them before, during, and

children from different families

I HAVE to tell you all about this site! It's called "Children From Different Families." It is combined data of the latest social sciences to compare the difference in children who were raised in different family environments. It is really interesting to see the different outcomes of these children that were observed. There is an obvious "better family situation" as seen through their data. But I won't spoil it for you, go on and check it out!

Family Cultures

We all grow up in a variety of different cultures. It depends where we are from, who our families are, our social status, etc. But one consistency throughout the different cultures is the importance of having a family. When we don't put our families first we can see our family relations start to crumble. The family culture and the family togetherness will fade away overtime.  One example of this is with Mexican families. Some Mexican families travel to America to experience the “American dream.” Their number one reason to go to America is so their children can have a better life. Living in America will give their children better opportunities for jobs, they can learn English, etc. In the reading (found below) It contains stories from 10 different Mexican families. They all wanted to travel to America to have that better future for their family. The father would normally go over to America to get a job and lay the foundation for their families. Many families would pay “coyo