
Showing posts from December, 2017


When I hear to word "divorce," it makes me rather sad. Divorce is a very difficult time for the couple, the children (if applicable), the extended family, and friends, and basically everyone involved in the couples lives. Now, I do understand that there are times where the divorce is necessary. There may be abuse or some sort of danger in the relationship and it is best to get away. I do understand that there are situations like that, but I believe for the most part divorce comes from the struggles of a couple. There is a process of divorce. Divorce doesn't happen over night. It takes time. Lauer and Lauer mention in their text "Marriage and Family" the the first step in the process is Recognition. Recognition: one or both spouses become aware of serious problems, begin to feel doubt about relationship- 40% of doubts in the first 6 months, 60% in the first year. Doubts are caused by spouse's controlling behavior, lack of responsibility, and lack of emo


“As a thirteen-year-old, I’ve got it all figured out why I need a mom and a dad. When Mom says no to ice cream, I can go ask Dad. And when I want to invite boys over, Dad says no, so I go ask Mom. “But really, I’m here to talk about why every child deserves a mom and dad. From my mother, I have a pattern to follow, and I can learn what it means to be a woman. Certain understandings can only happen between a mother and daughter. I would pattern my cooking after my mom’s, but she burned dinner twice last week. Actually, she lit it on fire. She isn’t perfect. No mother is, but in my world, she can’t be replaced. “My father protects me and helps me to figure out the immature minds of those boys I want to invite over. My dad’s example and advice helps me see the male perspective and brings a balance to my life as a young woman. “When I was eight or nine, I had a close friend whose parents were getting divorced. She asked me, “If you had to give up one parent, which would you ch