The Value of Work

When I was younger my parents tried EVERYTHING to try to get my siblings and I to do our chores. For us kids, cleaning the house was the worst thing that could ever happen to us. We would wine and complain every time we were asked to help around the house. We were usually asked to help clean up dinner after we had all ate. And dishes were by far the worst job in the history of jobs. We hated doing the dishes. Then on Saturdays we would have Saturday jobs which meant we had to deep clean the house. We were in charge of our bedroom and another room in the house. We would need to dust and vacuum that room. And looking back on it now, the jobs would have been done really fast. But we would all complain about doing it for a couple of hours, then we would start cleaning. But while we were cleaning we would be crying and complaining about it.

I made that sound really dramatic and maybe we were as bad as I made it sound... but we for sure did NOT like it at all!!

Now that I am older, I see the value in work. I have had to grow up and now my eyes have opened a lot about different things. Some of those things include, the importance of cleaning, parents really do know best, the difference between right and wrong, etc. In my life I have had to learn some important things the hard way. But I am grateful for that because then I am able to learn for myself. I am able to create my own memories and be able to have personal experiences that will stay closer to me. I can also share that personal witness with others to help them not make the same mistakes, or to help them see what I later learned was valuable.

So why would work be so important? When you are working, it is usually for a good cause and you are usually growing as a person from those experiences. Working helps you learn responsibility and how to take care of yourself. In a family setting, working together with your parents and siblings help create a spirit of unity. When you are working together you are unified in a task, and you're working together to get a job done. Whereas, with playing games or sports together as a family you are in a spirit of competition. And playing games and things is a fun way to spend together and to have fun. But there is definitely a different feeling between the two.

When I was younger maybe my family wasn't the best example of working together in unity because we didn't like to work... But implementing that feeling in the home can start a chain reaction and working together each day will become easier. I also believe that working alongside your children, them seeing your example will help them become more willing to clean up and help out around the house. My husband and I have a goal to make cleaning a fun experience. We will try not to complain about cleaning or doing chores so then our future children will see cleaning as a fun and helping thing to do. Another way to help children see the importance of work is to simply teach them the value of it. When we clean our homes we feel better, the spirit is present in the home, it gives a sense of accomplishment, etc. Helping them see the benefits will help them want to clean their rooms.

Work is so important, whether it is in the home or outside of the home. Work needs to be done. So learning form a young age will be more beneficial to the child. They will be able to go far in live, and they will be willing to help teach others about the importance of work and the value it has.


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